Our Story: Defining Avant-garde Unisex Fashion

At KRGS, we don't just dress bodies, we tell stories. Since our birth, we have been on an exciting mission: transforming fashion into a platform for personal expression. We genuinely think that “Clothes have no gender.”

Founded in 2017, our brand was the first state-owned unisex streetwear brand. We have evolved to become a beacon of ethical and sustainable fashion. What drives us is the belief that fashion can be more than just clothes; It can be a means to promote positive change in the world .

At KRGS, we don't just follow trends, we create them . We are at the forefront of unisex fashion, defining the path with minimalist designs that are not only pioneering, original and disruptive, but also carriers of a message. We are here to set trends, do it with style and a unique personality.

Our designs have a purpose. We pride ourselves on challenging gender stereotypes and offering clothing that embraces the diversity of human identity. We want you to feel proud to wear this clothing simply because of what it means. You will also find informative messages, which mixed with humor, we think goes much better.

We are constantly innovating with new eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices, including more and more ethical certifications for our products. We believe that conscious fashion is the path to a better future.

Join us on this ever-evolving journey.

"Koala Rabioso."


Trust Your Soul

"Trust Your Soul" collection, designed to remind us that we have to...